
Happy Healthy Beautiful #TakeCareMamaBear

February 9, 2016
I want to talk about YOU. Yes, you. Not your husband. Not your children. Not your family pet. YOU. What have you done today to take care of yourself? If the answer is "nothing" or "I don't even know" then you are in the right place. For the past year or so I've been sort of wandering and have felt lost. I mean I'm happy and love my job, and love my family, but something was off a little bit. And I realized what was off was me. I wasn't doing enough to take care of me.

It actually took several pieces falling into place for me to realize this. I have been exercising regularly for about 2 years now. Meaning 5-6 days a week, and I thought that was enough. But, it wasn't. I wasn't fitting into my skinny jeans any better. I wasn't noticing this magical "more energy" I would hear others talk about. So what the heck was wrong? Well, exercise is just one part of the puzzle. For me, the other pieces of the puzzle were {finally} finding a skin regimen that I loved because while I hate to admit, how my skin looks makes a big difference in how I feel inside. And, I truly learned how to eat healthier and cut out unnecessary sugars from my diet. Once all these pieces fell into place I did feel this magical "more energy", I felt more confident, more beautiful and more happ. And you know what? I want everyone to feel that way. Because we all deserve it.

So, each week I want to share with you different pieces to this puzzle. I really wish I had spent more time doing these little things when my kids were younger. So, don't wait. Don't think you can't or don't have time. We can always make time for what's important. And YOU are important!

I will be sharing skin care tips, healthy recipes, fun, yes I said fun, workout ideas, plus other cool stuff along the way, all to help you feel happy, healthy and beautiful from the inside out.

Stay connected and join in on the conversations
Coffee lovers: Coffee Break with Jamie and Lulu+Stir
Health & Fitness Seekers: Beachbody Coach
Find your perfect skin care routine: Rodan+Fields Solutions Tool