
Note from the Publisher ~ Why Moms Don't Get Anything Done

June 28, 2016
I know you busy mamas can relate to this one. My kids are older but as a work-at-home mom the struggle remains. Except now my quiet is usually interrupted by fighting, someone needing to eat {Constantly. They constantly eat. Like I wonder how they make it through a school day without dying from starvation.} or something breaks and needs fixing. Immediately. See exhibit (a). {I don't even want to know what happened to cause that little black piece to break off. sigh.}

exhibit (a)

I guess the silver lining is knowing, while it may not get better until they go off to college {and then I'm sure I'll be weeping about that!}, we are all in it together! Stay strong, mamas! Or maybe try to change your name to something other than "Mom" and see how long you can go before they figure it out. lol

Peace, Love, and Macaroni