
Craft of the Week

Easter Inspiration!

March 20, 2012

It's probably no secret by now that I've fallen in love with Pinterest.  But, I totally think it's a good thing because it's inspiring me to try new crafts, recipes, and ideas.  And, I'm going to share a few of my favorites with you!

First up is the Easter Egg Snake.  This one just takes a pipe cleaner, plastic easter eggs, and either googly eyes or just a sharpie marker to draw the face.  Make sure the eggs have holes, otherwise you'll have to make holes, and simply stick the pipe cleaner through (yes, it fits with no problem!)  Start with a whole egg for the face and then add on half the egg shapes to form the snake's body.  Easy!

Another fun craft for kids to make is the Easter Tree.  All it takes is a terra-cotta clay pot (I think I paid 0.97 at Walmart), some playdoh (which you probably have already) used to in the pot to hold the stick in place, a small twig from your yard or park, and decorations (you can buy little decorations at a dollar store or even make your own).  Half the fun was doing a nature walk to find the perfect twig for our tree!  My 4 year old also enjoyed putting the decorations on the tree!



Something else you might want to start this week is planting your own Easter grass.  The idea is grow your own grass for Easter baskets.  Grass takes a bit of time, so planting now will ensure you have grass in time for Easter.  You just need a plastic liner (the right size to fit at the bottom of your Easter baskets), potting soil, and quick grow grass seed.  Put the potting soil in the liner, cover with grass seed and then press the seed into the soil (some will still be visible), water everyday and keep in a sunny location.  


(This is day 1 of planting the Easter Grass...hopefully in a few weeks it will grow!)

Last, I found a great idea for doing a Countdown to Easter.  You just need an empty egg carton and 12 plastic eggs.  There are many ways to do this.  You can put a small trinket or piece of candy in the eggs, do the countdown with 12 days of stories/activities about Jesus, or even have "Resurrection Eggs" to tell the story of Easter.  



Visit my Easter board on Pinterest to see these ideas and many others!


And, watch me on Daytime Blue Ridge talking about these crafts and others!