
Note from the Publisher: The Lies We Tell to Keep Our Kids Happy

April 15, 2014
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about this whole Easter thing, particularly the Easter Bunny thing. Each year that I've been a parent I get less and less enthusiastic about the whole mystique of the "Easter Bunny". Probably because I've been doing it for 8 years now. And, yes, I'm getting lazy. {For real, right now I have a box of Easter goodies for my kiddos hidden in a box under my desk. Because moving it to a more secure location just seems too tedious. Plus, I'd probably forget where I put it and end up buying double of everything. Bygones.}

But you see, this is a crucial year for us. I have my suspicions that my 8 (almost 9) year old has his doubts about the Easter Bunny being real. He hasn't said so out-right, or said anything to his little brother, but I can tell when the old EB has been mentioned his look is one of doubt. I don't think he's ready to say anything, but boy are we getting close to that day.

Part of me feels glad to have this big secret out of the bag and that we could have fun making a big deal of the EB for his little brother, but then the bigger part of me gets so sad. Believing in the Easter Bunny is so magical and special. I hate for those days to be over. Because Santa is the next to go and this mama is NOT ready for that one. 

Make this Easter season magical for your kiddos. These days go by fast. Too fast. I'm going to do my best for one more year, for sure. {And, I'll be sure to remind EB to hide the Easter eggs outside in the yard for the early morning Easter egg hunt for the kids.}

Peace, Love, and Macaroni 