
Macaroni Prepares ~ Snow Day Survival Kit

January 27, 2015
I have to admit I enjoyed snow days a lot more when I was a teacher, without kids. Now that I'm a work-at-home mom, snow days are difficult, especially when there isn't a lot of actual snow! Now, a real snow day with 6+ inches of snow I love. It's the snow days where we can't get outside to play in it that are tough. So, I decided to be pro-active and created a custom Snow Day Survival Kit for my boys. 

What is a Snow Day Survival Kit? It's basically a container full of goodies to, you guessed it, entertain, stimulate, and exhaust my kids all snow day long!

What's inside? All sorts of fun! It took me a quick trip to Walmart and the Dollar Store, and quick run through the playroom, to put together a kit that my boys will have fun with. The idea is that the kit has things that are new to your kids. Because we all know new toys and activities are way more fun. {Seriously my kids will stand in the middle of the playroom surrounded by a gazillion toys and say they have nothing to do. What is that?}

Think about what your kids love to do and make it enjoyable for them. Our kit is a mix of a few store-bought items (all for under $10) and a few things from around the house, i.e. toys and games my kids haven't touched in more than 6 months that have been stowed away in our basement. 

MOVIES & POPCORN--Dig out old DVDs or do what I did and raid the $5 bin at Walmart!


CRAFTS & ACTIVITIES--I love Creativity Cans because it has all sorts of materials for kids to create anything they want. I also found a cute kit to make beaded keychains at Walmart for under $3. Oh, and insta-snow is great in case there isn't a ton of real stuff outside!


BAKING--Some of you may already have baking supplies at home. I don't. So, a package of brownie or cookie mix is the perfect, easy solution!


GAMES--This is another great time to pull out an old game that hasn't been played recently. I found this great game on our shelf that my kids had been begging to play but we never actually got around to it. Now's the perfect time!


COUPONS--Just in case it's a snow day where the roads get cleared and you want to get out of the house, throw in some homemade coupons for things like going to a movie, or frozen yogurt, or to Glazed Bisque-It or River Rock Climbing, or a visit to the Taubman, Mill Mtn Zoo, VMT, or SMWV...all are often open during snow days (just be sure to call ahead!) Click HERE for Snow Day coupons to print at home. 

Have some fun putting these together and share your own ideas, too! I'm sure I'll be restocking this before winter is over. So, what's in your Snow Survival Kit?