Craft Supplies Needed
1 Popscicle stick or craft stick for making the butterfly body
2. Craft foam or construction paper - pink, red, and white colors
3. White chenille stem
4. Tacky glue
5. Scissors
6. Red glitter sticker foam
7. Pencil
Instructions To Make A Butterfly Hearts Valentine :
1. Make two large hearts with the pink foam for your butterfly wings. Measure a rectangle about the length of your popscicle stick and half as wide. Fold and cut out a heart along the fold. Repeat for second heart wing.
2. Make one inch by one inch squares with your pink, white, and red foam. Make 2 of pink and white foam. Fold and cut out hearts.
3. Wrap your white chenille stem around the pop scicle stick and coil it with your pencil to make the butterfly antennea. Cut off any excess stem.
4. Cut out a large red hard about an inch by inch larger than the smaller hearts.
5. Lay your hearts out onto the stick butterfly body and then glue them into place.
6. Decorate your wings with glitter hearts.
7. Add funny eyes to the head of your butterfly.
8. Glue your two large butterfly wings together where the bottom tips of the heart wings meet.
9. Glue your butterfly body on top fo the butterfly heart wings.
10. Write your valentine message to the butterfly wings.
11. Now you have a beautiful butterfly heart valentine to share with your teacher, classmates, Mommy, Daddy or grandma for Valentines Day!
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