
Note from the Publisher {3.12.19} ~ Multi-tasking

March 12, 2019

It's Monday night at 5:54PM. Right now I'm typing this article for tomorrow's newsletter. Toggling over to a tab with tonight's dinner, Baked Macaroni and Cheese. And there is a load of laundry seconds from being done. Oh, wait, the dogs are also sitting at their dog bowls anxiously waiting for me to feed them so as soon as I get the noodles in the pot I will do that, too. 

5:59PM: I'm back. Just had to measure out ingredients for the cheese sauce. Do you ever stop and wonder how many things you can do at once? I'm pretty sure I've seen and heard research that multi-tasking isn't actually good for us. But as a mom, is there any other way? We've all seen the meme telling men if they ever want to imagine what a woman's mind is like to imagine a browser with 3,241 tabs open. All. The. Time.

6:03PM: Noodles are cooking and dogs are fed! Making progress. Though I do have to get the sauce going. So hold on. BRB. 

6:13PM: Working on the cheese sauce and enlisted my boys to put away laundry. That could end up being a mistake as I now have NO idea where our towels were placed. But I didn't have to do it so I'm not too worried about it this moment. Getting dinner on the table is a higher priority for now. 

6:19PM: Ok. Dinner is in the oven so I have 15 minutes to finish this up. Where was I? I don't even remember. Argh. I swear I had something I wanted to share but now it's gone. Probably because this whole multitasking thing maybe isn't the smartest. Oy. Just had to pause and help my son answer a question about WWII for his history homework. Luckily my 13-year-old has not yet asked for Algebra help. 

This parenting thing is tough and endless and there is a constant barrage ( I learned that from my son's WWII homework!) of needs from all of the living things in my household. And, sadly, I feel accomplished because I am getting dinner done, laundry done, kids doing homework and I'm putting the finishing touches on tomorrow's newsletter all by 6:26pm. Yes, I said sadly. I don't actually think this is something I should feel accomplished about. I really wish I could focus on one task at a time until completion. I mean sometimes I can. But sometimes the to-do list is overpowering. 

Because I Google everything I found this article and bookmarked for later. I mean who has time for it right now? (And if it's bad news drop me a comment on Facebook and tell me not to read it!)

And now my Alexa timer is going off so that's my cue to finish up dinner and get it on the table. 

I will quickly share my secret before I go. Actually two secrets. I have a super supportive spouse that somehow puts up with my crazy and literally asked me a few minutes ago "what can I do to help where I won't be in your way?" (that's almost 17 years of marriage right there) and wine. A lovely glass of wine at the end of the day is good for this mamas mental health. I Googled this one, too. Cheers!