
Do you have a Sporty Kid? VT Research Needs Them for a Study!

Dr. Volpe's Lab is looking for Sporty and Less Active Kids for an Important Study

June 9, 2023

Dr. Stella Volpe's Lab, at Virginia Tech's Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise Department, is recruiting very active children and adolescents.  Do you have a child who does sports regularly such as Soccer, Track and Field, Cross Country, Football, Lacrosse, Tennis, and other running activities?  Less active children are also needed.  Would you like for them to be part of a cool scientific experience this summer?  

The study is examining the relationship between physical activity, the total number of calories expended each day and body growth in kids and adolescents aged 8-17 years old.  If you decide to participate you will receive data about your fitness levels, energy expenditure, and other health information and also be included in a drawing for a $25 gift card. 

What will my child have to do? 

  • Visit the Research Lab at the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg for a 2 hour initial visit, and again in 7 days for a 1 hour final visit.
  • Wear an activity tracker for 7 days.
  • Take a small urine sample each day for 7 days.
  • Optional: Body composition measurements will be taken.

It is easy to get involved! For more info