
Breakthrough T1D Walk at Salem Memorial Ballpark in April

Enjoy music, dancing, kids’ activities, prizes, photo booth, entertainers and more!

March 23, 2025

Imagine a life where every meal, every activity, every moment requires constant vigilance. A life where your body's immune system attacks itself, leaving you dependent on lifelong insulin therapy. This is the reality for millions living with Type 1 Diabetes.

But there's hope. You can be part of the solution. Join the Greater Blue Ridge BreakthroughT1D Walk, a powerful movement to raise critical funds for life-changing research.

BreakthroughT1D, formerly JDRF, is leading the charge to prevent, treat, and ultimately cure Type 1 Diabetes. Your participation in the Walk directly supports:

  • Prevention Research: Exploring ways to stop T1D before it starts.
  • Advancing Treatments: Developing innovative therapies to ease the burden of daily management.
  • Finding a Cure: Accelerating research towards a future without T1D.

Every step you take, every dollar you raise, brings us closer to a world free from Type 1 Diabetes.

The BreakthroughT1D Walk is more than just a fundraising event. It's a community of support, a symbol of hope, and a powerful statement that we will not stop until we find a cure.

The Greater Blue Ridge walk will be held on Sunday, April 27, 2025 at the Salem Memorial Baseball Stadium, home of the Salem Red Sox. Check in begins at 2 PM with the 1- or 3-mile route walk beginning at 3 PM. Come at 2 PM and stay until 5 PM to enjoy the music, dancing, kids’ activities, prizes, concessions for sale, photo booth, entertainers, and much more!

Join us. Walk with us. Fund the future. Together, we can turn Type One into Type None.

BreakthroughT1D. For a world without Type 1 Diabetes.

Register for the walk at For more information, contact Sara Bell at